Add some magic to your bullet journal



I love my lists, calendars and collections. My Bullet Journal has my entire life contained in one (somewhat) tidy place. But for a long time, I had nothing in there about witchcraft or spirituality; arguably a big part of my day to day life. Perhaps it was because I was using the BuJo as a tool for trudging through the ‘mundane’ things in life I needed help finishing. I tried incorporating my craft into it, and found that not only was my witchy life a lot more organized, but I was also enjoying my Bullet Journal that much more!

Here’s some stuff I recommend adding to your Bullet Journal. Or better yet, make a separate one just for your path (BuJo grimoire, anyone?)

Witchy little add-ons:

  • A sigil on the inside cover to prevent the journal from being lost, stolen or read.
  • Enchant a bead or charm with a productivity spell and tie it to the bookmark ribbon.
  • Create additional symbols for your legend to mark witchcraft or religion-related entries in your daily pages.

Collections to make:

  • Quick-reference stone and herb properties for your most commonly used ingredients.
  • Sigils and their meanings.
  • Wishlist of tools, stones, herbs, books, etc. that you wish to get.
  • Wheel of the year (if applicable) or other dates relevant to your path.
  • Dates of full and new moons.
  • Quick colour correspondence chart.
  • Keep track of spells from books you’d like to try by listing the book titles and page numbers in  one place.
  • Make a portable spirit or pendulum board on a page.
  • Doodles of potential altar designs – or design one you dream of putting together!
  • Your star chart (sun sign, moon sign, etc.)
  • Dream log and/or record for lucid dreaming.
  • Make a paper shrine to a God or Goddess you work with; paste or draw images related to them, write prayers, pen letters to them.
  • Goals for your craft that you wish to reach in the next month, six months, and year.
  • Quick charms, glamours and affirmations that can be done on-the-go when you need a boost.
  • List of self care ideas. Because self care is totally magical.
  • Tarot cheat sheet (like this).
  • Tarot spreads you wish to try, or often use.
  • For Vultures; progress log on bones/hides you are cleaning.
  • For spirit companions and workers; info on your companions and interactions.
  • For servitor creators; info on your creations, including their tasks, code words, names and rules.
  • For gardening witches; garden plans, sketches and progress.
  • For hedge witches and astral travelers; record of places you’ve been and your success rate with travelling. Or of you build astral spaces, draw blueprints of your next project.
  • For kitchen and hearth witches; recipes you love, correspondence chart of food ingredients, natural cleaning solutions.

Please feel free to add on to this with your own ideas! I would love to read how you keep your witchy life organized.

Love, love, LOVE!!!!

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