Things to do as witch friends:


  • Cast spells together (duh!)
  • Curse each other’s enemies
  • Make enchanted friendship jewelry
  • Make enchanted friendship spell jars
  • Create a shared coded language/alphabet (written and/or spoken)
  • Make wands together
  • Go shopping for witchy supplies together
  • Create rituals for special dates, like Sabbats or even your birthdays
  • Make a shared grimoire that you each keep for a week before passing it to the other to keep for a week, etc. filling it with stuff relative to your practice(s)
  • Go on witchy camping trips/hikes
  • Leave offerings at each others’ altars
  • Witchy slumber parties!
  • Go to graveyards together
  • Investigate “haunted” houses/places together
  • Walk through a forest together
  • Create a special hideaway for the two+ of you, like a witchy clubhouse!
  • Practice divination with one another

Think of any others? Add them!

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